Thursday, February 09, 2006

eggplant, a portal to my bloodstream

for several days people around me, at school and home were sick. as in really sick. throwing up and fevered and delirious. I have a weak immune system. Things are better for me in the getting sick realm since I learned how to take herbs and eat the right foods, but still I succumb to most things that come my direction. I just bounce back quicker than I used to before I learned.

I was almost in the clear.

I thought I was past the infectious phase.

Then I ate some eggplant.

I know that I am allergic to eggplant. I have known this for some time. But I LOVE it! It is one of the strange cruel ironies. I just can't have it. It has been a couple of years since I last tried it and I thought that I could just have a little bite, that the allergy might have gone away or at least disappated.

That was wrong. I ate one little bite and within seconds, huge blisters formed in my mouth.

12 hours later. I am sick. My head is clogged, my throat is dry, etc. The germs found their way into my body via a wound I created in my mouth.

So I was explaining this and thinking, 'Is this rational?' , 'Is that what really happened?' and I realized that the only way to build an arguement for that observation would be to replicate it. But would it be true for other people? Maybe I should submit a grant proposal to see if food allergy mouth wounds will lead to infection in the cold and flu season in a wide population. Would the NIH fund it?

1 comment:

warpup said...

yikes! go for the grant, but stop on the eggplant. ow!